Not exactly sure why it thinks at one point I was doing 50 miles an hour on the bicycle.
Here's a couple of other things: It says my stop time was nearly as long as my ride time, 3 hours 45 minutes stopped VS 4 hours 33 minutes riding. The problem was after I left Mt. Vernon (eating those evil green beans (so you don't have to!) I forgot to turn the computer back on. I'm sure it recorded me as "goofing off."
Hmm. Now that I think about it, the software simply might have then had to do some hard math to "catch up with me." Maybe that's where it got the 50 MPH figure. "Wait a minute," I can see the computer saying. "He last checked in over HERE. And now he's way the hell over THERE. Obviously he was booking along at 50 MPH. Sign this fat boy up for the next Tour De Double Down!"
The last 11 miles were BRUTAL. Not only did the hills never stop, but at some point, for 3 or 4 miles, they were no longer pavement. They'd turned into gravel and dirt.
Ladies and Gentlemen: "Road bikes" like I have, are built for pavement. NOT dirt. And for damned sure not gravel. They're unstable at best on those types of surfaces with their skinny little racing tires. Imagine a Supermodel trying to walk downhill on gravel in her 9 inch stilettos.
Then throw in the instability of all the extra gear I was carrying. The roads made me extremely nervous.
I bet I had to actually walk the bike 2 of those miles. You think going up hill is no fun. Try it in biking shoes up hill.
It probably took me 2+ hours to go the last 11 miles. That should have been a 45 minute trip, tops.
Finished Cycle: Aug 5, 2011 3:21:49 PM
Route: Worthington To Loudonville
Google Maps URL:
Shortened Google Maps URL:
Import URL:
Ride Time: 4:33:00
Stopped Time: 3:45:04
Distance: 60.51 miles
Average: 13.30 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 49.59 miles/h
Ascent: 2378 feet
Descent: 2148 feet
Calories: 3480
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